A downloadable game for Windows

Saving The Forest is a simple rogue-lite game I created for the 2023 Admission at Creative Media & Game Technologies of Saxion University of Applied Sciences.

The game consists of a player that needs to traverse a world filled with mobs that have different attacks, get a key from one of the structures and get to the next (and final) level, where the game resets back to the start. Normally, throughout the main level of the game, the player is able to gather better weapons with different stats and passive abilities as well as upgrade their own stats by gathering scrolls.
The player is able to wield two weapons at once, move, double jump, dash/dodge and heal (using a maximum of two of the potions gathered at the beginning of every level).

The game shuffles up to 11 "rooms" that connect seamlessly to create a different level every iteration. This process is based on a seed, as well as stats of the mobs and weapons that drop or are acquired through other means.

In the main screen some game settings can be adjusted to customize the gameplay experience, as well as the alternate "Continuous" game mode, which repeats the first level without an ending to the game. (the player is free to keep getting better gear and keep scaling up and so do the mobs)

A great inspiration for this game was Dead Cells, without which I wouldn't've gone for the same genre or atmosphere.

The game lacks a bigger goal due to the scope of the project and the time frame it was built in, however I like the way it turned out for the amount of work I did.


SavingTheForest.zip 35 MB

Install instructions

The game is downloadable as an .exe for Windows (make sure that the contents of the .zip file are always in the same folder, or the game breaks)

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